Customer Sales Support Representative

Currently, we are looking for our next colleague in the Customer and Sales Support department at our head office. The job description and application process is available at here on Meet our current dynamic team here!  


Currently, we are looking for our next colleague in the Purchasing department at our head office. The job description and application process is available at here on Meet our current dynamic team here!  

We are looking for our next Customer & Sales Support Representative in our Operations department. The job description and application process is available at here on Meet our current dynamic team here!  


Brænder du for økonomi, er struktureret og har du lyst til at hjælpe til i en finansafdeling, så kan du blive vores nye kollega hos Bjørn Thorsen A/S. Da vores nuværende studentermedarbejder rejser til Japan, står vi og mangler dig 5-10 timer om ugen. Vi sætter stor pris på at du et positivt menneske der sætter pris på at have en sjov og travl hverdag.

Dine primære opgaver vil være:

  • At bogføre indbetalinger via Payment Management
  • At ekspedere mails i vores fælles mail-kasser
  • At ekspedere fakturaer via Document Capture
  • At lave Debitorforfaldsliste og sende rykkere og kontoudtog til debitorer
  • At afstemme kontoudtog fra kreditorer
  • Ad hoc opgaver i Bogholderi, bl.a. vedligeholdelse og opdatering af oplysninger i Navision 

Dine kvalifikationer:

Vi forventer at du er påbegyndt en videregående økonomisk uddannelse og har interesse for økonomi og bogholderi. Du er smilende, nysgerrig og hjælpsom og trives i et uformelt miljø. Du har sans for detaljerne og tager ansvar for dine opgaver.

  • Interesse for økonomi & bogholderi
  • Åben over for alle slags opgaver der ligger i en økonomiafdeling
  • Du har flair for IT (vi bruger Navision)
  • Du er klar på at udvikle dig og prøve nye udfordringer
  • Er stabil og ansvarsbevidst

Vi tilbyder:

Du bliver en del af en velkonsolideret koncern i vækst og med store ambitioner for de kommende år. 

Vores kontor ligger i fantastiske omgivelser i Hellerup med udsigt ind over København. Du vil blive del af en virksomhed med et uformelt arbejdsmiljø og en sjov hverdag. 

Ansøgningsfristen er 10. februar 2023, men vi afholder løbende samtaler.

Hvordan søger du?

Send din ansøgning til og skriv ”Studentermedarbejder” i emnefeltet. Har du spørgsmål til stillingen er du velkommen til at kontakte Jesper Leander Poulsen på eller tlf. 3165 7394.

Experience & Requirements:

  • Fluent in Swedish and English, knowledge of other Nordic languages is an advantage
  • 5+ years of experience from CAS or Specialty Chemical industry.
  • You have a degree within chemistry, technical sciences or equivalent.
  • As an entrepreneurial person you have a strong sales drive and are thrilled to deliver growth.
  • Self-driven and comfortable with a large degree of freedom and responsibility.
  • Ability to understand customer needs and build business beyond a product.

We offer:

  • Strong product portfolio with global market leading suppliers and well-known brand names.
  • Inhouse production and product development, ability to provide solutions and tailor-made offerings for customers and principals.
  • A position in a flat and flexible organization, with a lot of freedom to act.
  • A growing organization with an energetic sales spirit, that strives to attract exceptional people who have ‘’that extra something’’.
  • Salary and terms which match your qualifications.

How to apply:

Send your application (CV and personal letter) to

If you have further questions, please contact:

Jonny Lönnerberg, Business Sales Manager-CAS, +46 76 136 33 07

About Bjørn Thorsen A/S:

Bjørn Thorsen A/S is a privately owned distributor with a wide range of raw materials from worldwide leading chemical manufacturers to European customers. The company supplies Coating, Adhesive, Advanced Polymer, Construction, Bitumen & Road Mark solutions to customers active in diverse markets.

Bjørn Thorsen is also an expanding group, anchored on competitive distribution of specialty raw materials with additional innovative own product capabilities. Besides the distributor Bjørn Thorsen A/S, the group comprises several affiliates with their proprietary technologies:

Customized Compound Solutions A/S (CCS) – own ranges of customized compounds

Nordic Grafting Company A/S (NGC) – unique portfolio of compatibilizers and adhesion promoters

Nordic Formulation Technology A/S (NFT) – customized dispersions and solutions

Digital Serigraphic Technologies A/S (DST) – materials used in screenprinting & hybrid/digital printing systems

Check out our product categories:

Contact Bjørn Thorsen

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BT locations

Contact information

Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup

Direct number:
+45 35 43 88 43