BYK-Gardner upcoming WEBseminars

BYK-Gardner holds monthly WEBseminars: Control of color, gloss and grain in March and Gloss in theory and in practice in April.

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BYK-Gardner organizes monthly “60 Minutes” WEBseminars for BYK Instruments. The webinars are FREE and cover the basics of color and gloss measurement, as well as how to test physical properties of paint and coatings from wet to dry.

The upcoming webinars are:

Control of color, gloss and grain on 24 March 2021, in German or English
Gloss in theory and in practice on 28 April 2021, in German or English.

Click here to register and read more about each of these webinars.

To stay updated on latest news from BYK-Gardner and get the dates of future WEBseminars, subscribe to BYK-Gardner newsletter.

Bjørn Thorsen A/S is the official distributor of BYK-Gardner instruments in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland. To see the range of instruments we offer (in Danish, Swedish or English), go to our Instruments page. For more details or ordering, contact Principal Manager, Peter Tikjøb.

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